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City marketing Kufstein

Kufstein conquers hears - this is how a city becomes a brand

"A city is a habitat, a location for investment, education and companies, a destination for shopping and holidays and more than all it is home. All thoese aspects and many more influence each other. This is why a city needs an identity and an identity is the basis of a brand.

"Cities have many simularities with product- and service brands. A city is performance promise which also results from the way a city communicates. This makes the way a city communicates so important (Thomas Ebner, CEO City marketing).

The task of the city marketing is to foster this identity and strenghten the image.

In Kufstein the "Standortmarketing Kufstein GmbH" was founded on January 1st, 2017. The city council and tourism office Kufsteinerland are shareholders of this company with 50 % each. This company has the task of organizing and managing the marketing aspects of the city and tourism office.

Perlen haben bei uns Tradition

Perlen haben bei uns Tradition

Pearls are a tradition with us
As the gateway to the Inn Valley, the fortified town has always played an important role.
In the past it was fiercely contested, and both then and today it is situated at a place of economic importance.
Nobody gets past Kufstein.

This position has led Kufstein to gain the importance it has over the centuries.

The town has certainly done well in the rapid economic growth of the past years and decades. Trades, services, commerce and industry have all grown well, high-quality jobs are available and there is a high degree of innovation. The University of Applied Sciences is a training ground for the next generation of experts and innovators, and is doing its part to ensure positive development in the city.

The fact that two shopping centres have not been located on the periphery as they are in many other cities of a similar size, but are instead located in the centre, is an important stimulating factor for the downtown area.

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